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Welcome to ScoringSystem

Secure Food Products

-- delivers the highest degree of security for the nation�s food supply, beginning with Site-Specific� source identification and verification, and maintaining positive tracking and traceability throughout the entire food supply chain. ScoringSystem�s secure databank maintains the production records of a wide variety of food items at each stage of processing, handling, and transport. Security of these records is guaranteed by ScoringSystem�s patented application of an expandable 2-D barcode and a variety of labeling formats depending on the processing requirements. The databank also provides secure identification and recordkeeping on all supporting areas of the agricultural industry, including agricultural workers, handlers, and transporters, and the many pallets and containers required during processing.

Where labeling with 2-D barcodes and access to a global databank guarantee security for the nation�s food supply!

Secure Food Products Databank
Provides positive source identification and secure tracking and traceability throughout the food supply chain � from �field to fork� and �stable to table.� To see a sample of our Food Security Products page please click HERE



To find out more about this exciting and innovative databank, click HERE

ScoringSecurity  - Agriculture Security Products
Agriculture Worker Secure Identification Secure Pallet/Container Tracking

Tracking Strawberries To Market

�� and much more to come!

ScoringSystem, Inc is Simple, Secure and Inexpensive.

For More Information: please